Productivity Tools for Sage 300
August 2023: TaiRox Productivity Tools adds hundreds of features to Sage 300. PDF HandoutVideo
*New* Program
 •  Remove Items from Price Lists: Quickly remove multiple items from multiple price lists in a single operation. See: VideoUser Guide.
Productivity Tools
*New* Features
 •  Look Up G/L Account now displays account balances in functional currency while navigating thousands of accounts. See: PictureUser Guide.
 •  Extended Order Entry & Extended Shipment Entry: Margin and markup columns are displayed including or excluding discounts. See: PictureUser Guide.
 •  Extended PO Entry, Extended Order Entry & Extended Shipment Entry: Pressing a new Prepayments button will pop-up a list of all prepayments applied to a PO, Order, Shipment, or O/E Invoice. See: PO Picture.
 •  More small changes: See: Release Notes.
Get Productivity Tools Now!
You can get the latest Productivity Tools features without upgrading Sage 300. The current version of Productivity Tools works with Sage 300 versions 2012 to 2023!
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