Build 2024-12-23 - Additional checks are made for TaiRox CRM and Collections. Build 2024-11-18 - Replaced Copy to Clipboard with Save to File. Build 2024-11-14 - Additional ACCU-DART checks for ODBC connections. Build 2024-08-21 - Updated ACCU-DART installation checks. Build 2024-07-02 - Removed message regarding Program Files (x86) relating to older versions of Sage 300 and Windows. Build 2024-06-17 - Spelling corrections. Build 2023-10-17 - Now does case-insensitive path matching when looking for path mismatches. Build 2023-09-20 - Prompts are added to guide consulants about what to send TaiRox support. Build 2023-09-15 - Updated messages for C++ runtime checks. Build 2023-05-30 - Additional checks made for ACCU-DART. Build 2023-05-17 - Support is added for ACCU-DART. Build 2022-10-03 - Updated to handle 32-bit to 64-bit path redirection performed in newer Windows operating systems. Build 2022-09-19 - Support is added for Sage 300 2023. Build 2022-03-14 - A link has been added next to the Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Versions Installed - a link to Microsoft's Latest supported downloads. Build 2022-03-14 - Support for the Advanced Complex Passwords feature added in Sage 300 2022 PU2. Displays various complex password options. Build 2022-01-10 - User Guide is updated. Build 2020-12-16 - For TaiRox CRM and Collections checks codejock calendar OCX, and the new version of the 10Tec grid. Build 2020-11-23 - Revised checks for 32 bit version of Access engine in a 64 bit environment. Build 2020-09-23 - Checks for current versions of email components - Support is added for Sage 300 2021. - Checks for changes to Roto files made by some custom programs. Build 2020-04-14 - Sets the path variable to the proper folder when it is incorrectly set. Build 2020-01-31 - Checks are made for TaiRox products that include the ChilkatDotNet4.dll assembly (that sends emails). This assembly must be in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC). Install Check tries to load the DLL. If the DLL cannot be loaded, a number of suggestions are made to help isolate what is missing. Build 2019-12-09 - Checks are made for access to the Sage 300 Shared Folder, which may be blocked if Sage 300 is installed in Program Files (x86) in operating systems with tighter security. Build 2019-10-28 - Checks for the existence of certain DLLS and registry entries for several TaiRox products. Build 2019-04-08 - User Guide is updated. Build 2018-10-25 - Links to TaiRox log files will be included in the diagnostics. Build 2018-10-18 - Added checks to display all versions of Microsoft's C Runtime that are installed. Build 2018-10-10 - Replaced the message for SagePerformanceFix.EXE to instead recommend the installation of a product update. Build 2018-08-31 - Additional checks for TaiRox CRM library components. - Check for the following Sage Support Issue on a Windows Terminal Server Build 2018-08-27 - Support for Sage 300 2019. Build 2018-06-14 - Checks for files required for TaiRox CRM. - Logs screen resolution issue (e.g. 125%) that can cause some UI controls to not load. Build 2018-03-29 - Checks that VB6 runtime files are present. Some files may not be installed by later versions of Sage 300. - Checks screen resolution and reports an error if the display percentge is greater than 125%. This can cause a failure to load some VB6 controls on some displays with reduced resolution. Build 2018-03-08 - For Sage 300 versions that require it, a check is made for the performance hot fix. - Detailed checks have been added for TaiRox CRM. Build 2017-05-15 - There is no longer an error reported because of a semi-colon at the end of a path or directory location Build 2017-05-03 - C# display of folder links is over-ridden so that the complete path is copied to the clipboard. Build 2017-04-24 - Updated to check for blanks at end of various paths, not allowed by some versions of Sage 300. Build 2017-03-27 - Added checks for components sometimes quarantined, such as a4wContainer. Build 2017-03-10 - Minor formatting issues are fixed. Build 2017-03-08 - Pre-installation check added that will check .NET Framework versions and report if UAC is turned on. - SDK application INI files and the DLLS they reference are checked. - Links to TaiRox installation folders and INI files are provided. Build 2015-10-16 - This version supports Sage 300 2017. - Support provided for Sage 300 2016. - Better error handling when there is insufficient Windows rights to access the TaiRox license file. Build 2014-10-24 - Remove registry checks that are no longer necessary Build 2014-07-09 - Initial build.